We are in a very technology-savvy world. We are fast galloping towards technological advancements, better economies and leaderships. But, in our race to improve in materialistic possessions, we are in the path of ignoring humanity and associated emotions. This trend is likely to give rise to more self-respecting, self-oriented people, unhappiness and despair. It is in situations like this, that behavioral sciences play a major role in society. Do you want to be happier in life? Do you wish to feel more satisfied, even when your circumstances psicoterapeuta are not so good? Do you want to be more engaged in all that you do, and be inspired to have high hopes?
According to Dr. Martine Seligman’s theories of positive psychology, all this is possible, and still more. Positive psychology is a new branch or psychology that deals with research on positive emotions, development of characters or behavior based on emotional strength and ways to develop them. Traditional approach to psychology focuses on illness and pathology. On the other hand, positive psychology concentrates on the well-being, satisfaction and overall happiness of the person. The theories and research indicators of positive psychology can be applied to various settings; it can be applied in the betterment of individuals, societies or groups. Researches have shown that positive psychology is very helpful in decreasing the symptoms of depression to a large extend.
Positive psychology focuses on optimism. It revolves around the thoughts of positive ways of thought and being, as against being pessimistic and unhappy. Martine Seligman has tried to explain that the chaos and the pain we experience are a result of our own deeds. The secrets of being unhappy rest within ourselves, and we do not understand that when we search around for happiness. Most of the conditions we choose come to us by virtue and not by choice. We begin our lives as invalid, not being able to survive without the help from others. We are completely dependent on our parents to know more about the word around us, and almost are dependent on them for life. But, we grow, and so do our perceptions, ego, and all characteristics. We come to know from various means of the world around.
Positive psychology deals with the research and study of the power and virtue that enables people like us to live better. Not only does this science focus on individuals, but it focuses on societies or groups also. It is all about the behaviors and virtues that are essential for societies or individuals to thrive. The studies and research on positive psychology are carried out at Positive Psychology Center; this center encourages the research, training, education, and the dissemination of Positive Psychology.
Positive psychology thrives in the thought that more and more people should be able to lead lives that they feel are meaningful and fulfilling. They should find joy in all that they do, and should be able to taste satisfaction. To do this, they need to help themselves by cultivating the best behavior and habits within themselves. This will further lead them into being the next in whatever they do. Positive psychology starts at home where parents try to bring up their kinds based on the right values. It is this factor that makes the kids excels in all that they do. It is required at the workplace to put in the best effort, stay motivated, and work well towards your goal. It is required in society also, where you need to be the best citizen with the best civic goals.
Development of positive psychology is actually based on three main concepts. These are the concepts of positive emotions, that of positive individual traits, and of positive institutions. Positive emotions deal with the study of satisfaction and contentment with the past, happiness and joy in the present, and hope and dreams in store for the future. The next concept or positive individual traits deals with the study of the strengths and virtues. In this concept, you concentrate on items such as the capacity for love and work, being courageous, compassionate, resilient, creative, and curious. It also upholds the virtue of integrity, self-knowledge, moderation, self-control, and wisdom. The third concept of understanding positive institutions deals with the study of the qualities that lead to the development of better communities, or qualities required in communities. It deals with justice, responsibility, civility, parenting, nurturance, work ethic, leadership, teamwork, purpose, and tolerance.